
Mentoring the “100 Way” is designed to help boys and girls, who exhibit challenges with academic performance and behavior. The “100” provide these students with a positive, adult role model to assist in becoming productive citizens. Our mentoring programs help foster improved academic performance, increase self-confidence, improved school behavior, and increase knowledge of career choices by providing regular individual and group mentoring sessions.
In addition to in-school programs, the 100 offers a Saturday Academy for students ages 11-18 and a Parent Academy.
In Collaboration with the Mobile County Public School System, the 100 works with high school students and middle school students by providing mentoring services to assist them to become college and career ready. Students on the high school are taught “Essential Skills,” a curriculum developed by the 100 to prepare students to enter the workforce. Professional and soft skills are the emphasis of this course which include, eye contact, dressing for success, professional decorum, dining etiquette, resume writing, interviewing techniques, personal finance, and public speaking.
On the Middle School level, the 100 teaches students leadership and team skills by building wooden boats. Students in this program build a water ready craft from scratch with the assistance of the mentors. Additionally, the students are tutored in math and provided life skills.
Through a partnership with Bishop State Community College Adult Education Program, the 100 offers a comprehensive educational program that prepares adults for the American Council of Education’s General Education Development (G.E.D.) tests.

Economic Development
The 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc. is a leading resource in the community dedicated to financial empowerment, self-sufficiency, and economic growth. The 100 provides effective and participatory leadership that educates, encourages, fosters, and supports a philosophy of financial self-determination and a spirit of entrepreneurship.

2019 College & Career Fair

Pictured L-R: Brian Pauling -Former National CEO, Stephen Davis – Branch Manager Wells Fargo, Marcene Emmett, Member, & Rufus Hudson – Vice President Regions Bank
Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness is a vital component of any community. The 100 realizes the importance of this issue in Mobile County. We are committed to improving the lifestyles of the citizens of Mobile by staying abreast of challenges facing our region, state, and nation. We diligently work to keep the community informed by being active and proactive.